Central Accounting
All CWB hotels enjoy centralized web based accounting services that allows owners to view results daily. M3 is the accounting system designed specifically for hotels by hotel operators.
Our track record exemplifies partnerships that allow lower administrative payroll costs to the hotel, purchasing discounts, vendor relations, standard operating procedures and timely financial information.
All CWB hotels enjoy centralized accounting services that results in lower administrative payroll costs to the hotel and more accurate, informative, and timely financial information.

You will receive a professionally prepared Profit and Loss Statement at the end of every financial period, as well as crucial information pertaining to your success in the market arena and within your competitive set due to the astute management of this vital area.
Over a period of almost twenty years we have established a solid reputation for managing hotel properties consistent with the best interests of our owners and investors, generating a positive cash flow and growing the value of the asset.
Common characteristics of a CWB managed property:
- Hands-on corporate supervision
- Immediate Financial Access
- Detailed Annual Budgets
- Ongoing updated forecasting
- Cost Controllable Monitoring
- Organized purchasing procedures
- Friendly, courteous service
- Area focused Marketing plan
- Sales based hotel culture
- Daily Revenue Management
- Top quality food and beverage operations
- On-going employee training